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关键字:教育 | 时间:2015/11/3 10:25:00


VII、Answer the questions. ( 回答下面问题。)(10分)
1. Is Beijing the capital city of our country?

2. Come and leave. Are they the same?

3. May I go shopping? (做出肯定回答)

4. I, trip, go, on, may, a, to, Hainan ?(连词成句)

VIII. Read and judge. 读一读,判断句子正(T)误(F) (10分)
LiMing is very happy today.Because Jenny and Danny will(将,会) come this evening. Mrs.Li wants to take a bus to the airport. But LiMing wants to take a cab.A cab is faster than a bus. But it costs twenty yuan. Finally they go to the airport by bus. They arrive there at about 5:30. At 6:00, Jenny and Danny’s plane arrive at the airport. They give LiMing a big hug. Jenny brings a souvenir for LiMing. ( )1. Mrs.Li wants to take a cab to the airport.( )2. Mrs.Li and LiMing take a bus to the airport.( )3. At 6:00, Jenny and Danny’s plane arrive at the airport. ( )4. They’re very happy to see each other(相互).



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