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关键字:学生作品,作文,英语 | 时间:2012/7/8

【学生作文】学生英语作文A Trip to Hainan

I remember on May 6th, I flew to Hainan with my mother and father. On my way , I saw the blue sky and white clouds. The white clouds looked like the snow mountains. How beautiful they were!
In Hainan ,it was hot and sunny. I only needed to wear my shorts and sandals. But in our city, I wore my blouse and pants. The oceans were around this city, and the trees covered this city.
The birds flew in the sky. I think it must be the gift from “God”. Thanks for God.
We lived in a hotel. The next days, I wore my swimsuit and swim in the ocean. The ocean is salty and deep. I had a yacht. My father took many pictures for me. Then we bought souvenirs of Hainan . We bought many fruits: mango, litchi, coconut…
On May 14th, we flew home, I was happy to see Tangshan again, I will miss Hainan , I will remember this trip for ever.
点评:本文小作者描写了一次海南之行,小作者能够学以致用,用恰当的词语,很详细地叙述了此次旅行的经过,心情,感受。尤其是The white clouds looked like the snow mountains. How beautiful they were!和 I think it must be the gift from “God”.等句,对于小学生来说,是很难得的优秀之作。



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